Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Traveling husband = some perks!!
Posted by Alicia at 11:39 PM 8 comments
Marshall Update!!
Marshall has made amazing progress over the past two days. It has been quite a tough road for this little guy but he continues to show us just how tough he really is. The wheeziness that he has been experiencing been a concern to the doctors, but due to the many S.V.T. episodes that he was having they were hesitant to scope his little throat. So, finally yesterday morning the E.N.T. team was able to go in and see that 90% of his airway was being blocked by old scar tissue from the ventilator. Miraculously he has been breathing through a space the size of a pin hole. The Dr. was shocked, and said that it was completely unexpected. They were able to fix most of the blockage, and hoping for the rest of the swelling to go down. He is sooooo beautiful and doing GREAT!! We are so blessed and want to thank you again for your thoughts and prayers!! It truly is the reason why is healing so well!! We love you all!

Such a proud Grandma!!
Posted by Alicia at 11:25 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Just a quick update on Marshall....
Marshall was admitted to the hospital on Monday and was given additional medication to help keep his heartbeat normal. At 2:00 a.m. this morning, he went back into S.V.T. and had to be re-admitted into the P.I.C.U. (Pediatric Intensive Care Unit). The Dr.'s started one more medication and are hoping this will help. We are so grateful for all of your love and support and cannot tell you how much your thoughts, prayers, and concern mean to our family. We will keep you posted!!
Posted by Alicia at 9:50 AM 2 comments
Monday, January 12, 2009
Please pray for Baby Marshall, Kevin, and Marcy
For all of my dear, sweet family and friends reading this, I just wanted to give you a quick update on baby Marshall. He has had a great week home with the exception of a little wheeziness. On Friday, he had a check-up, and the Dr. said that he was probably experiencing some irritation due to the ventilator, but that his lungs were clear, and all was well. Throughout the weekend, Kev. and Marc. continued to monitor his breathing and decided to take him to the Dr. this morning. Unfortunately, his heart had gone back into S.V.T. (which means that it was beating above normal). They are on their way back up to Primary's E.R. right as we speak, to see if he has to be re-admitted. We are so grateful for all of the prayers that have been given on his behalf and ask that you will continue to pray for baby Marshall, Kevin, and Marcy. We know that their is great power in prayer, and we thank you all for continuing to pray for their family.
Posted by Alicia at 11:20 AM 4 comments
Friday, January 9, 2009
Happy New Year to all of you!! I hope that you all had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. With the business of the holiday season, my blog has been severely neglected, and I haven't been very dilligent in posting our latest happenings, so I decided that I would try to catch up and back up just a little bit. Bear with me it's been a crazy past couple of mos.
Christmas was so special this year with our dear, sweet little Caleb, and our other children, but difficult all at the same time. I became very sick with the stomach flu on the 23rd of Dec., and was down in bed through Christmas Eve night. I sat and cried as I watched my little family drive off to G-ma and G-pa's without me. Fortunately, I started feeling better that night and woke up Christmas morning to lots of fun and tons of excitement! We couldn't believe when we looked outside that a major blizzard had truly given us a white Christmas. I was devastated knowing that my mom and dad wouldn't be able to drive in such dangerous, snowy weather, from Grantsville. I called my mom and had to hold back the tears (AGAIN) as I knew this would be the first Christmas that I wouldn't be spending with my parents or the rest of my family as well. I tried to stay positive, and focus on my own little family. Then, Shaun looked at me and said he felt like he was going to throw right after the other, it came....Austin, then Braden, and on and on!! I felt like Cinderella, scrubbing, washing, bleaching, all on Christmas Day. Syd. and I finally sat down and played a quick game and ate our Christmas Dinner all by ourselves. By the end of the night, I was exhausted and wanted everybody to just get better really fast. Then at 2:00 A.M., poor little Syd. came upstairs and had thrown up all over her bedroom. She was sick throughout the rest of the night, and for the next day. MERRY CHRISTMAS!! We had to wait for several days before we could celebrate with our family's just because we didn't want to pass germs. When we were finally able to go out to Grantsville, and celebrate with my family, my camera batteries were dead, and I don't even have ONE pic. of my wonderful parents or family with my kids. So sad!! (For those of you that know me, I never leave home without a camera, and feel completely lost when my batteries die!!). Well, everybody's better and we are excited to embark on a new year and carry on with all of the many adventures that are out there waiting for us!!
Posted by Alicia at 12:33 AM 9 comments
Thursday, January 8, 2009
On Dec. 18th, Marshall went in for his routine 2-week check-up where his pediatrician became very concerned about his heartbeat. It was supposed to be beating between 150 -200 bpm, and was beating at 250 bpm. He sent them to the Primary Children's ER, and was quickly seen by a cardiologist, and administered medication to bring his heartbeat down. Unfortunately, the med. did not work and he was admitted into the P.I.C.U. the following morning. It was unimaginable to me that my own brother and his dear, sweet wife were going through the VERY same experience that Shaun and I had just gone through one year prior. I couldn't believe it, and was shocked and saddened all at the same time. The days that followed were extremely difficult, and it seemed like none of the medications were working to bring his little heartbeat down. Miraculously, after their ward and our family fast and many prayers and priesthood blessings, he started to respond to the medication that he was given and was just barely released from the hosp. two days ago. He truly is a miracle, and a very special baby. We love them so very much, and want to thank all of you for your concern, thoughts, and prayers. It has meant the world to Kevin and Marcy and to our family.
While Caleb was in the hospital during Christmas last year, we felt so blessed and loved by complete strangers who had donated beautiful homemade quilts, blankets, bibs, burpcloths, special stuffed animals, and so many other generous gifts. Shaun and I had discussed that we wanted to do something special to give back to those parents who would be spending their holidays in the hosp. this year. We sat down with the kids during Family Home Evening, and talked about how much these gifts meant to us, and asked if they could donate some money, and ideas for what our family could do for these babies. We were so proud of them when they each willingly gave $5 of their own money. We decided to buy 44 (that's how many NICU cribs there are) stuffed giraffes and penguins with a special note attached. It was truly a beautiful experience, and a tradition that we will hopefull carry on for years to come.
Syd. and I had the great privlege of delivering these stuffed animals and the darling stockings that our "Activity Days" group designed and created for the NICU babies as well. (Thanks Em. for all of your help and supporting me in this big, crazy project! I love you!)
Posted by Alicia at 11:44 PM 4 comments
Caleb's 1st official haircut -- This little guy is such an angel baby. He just sat there so still, and was easily entertained with squirt bottles and combs. Let's just hope he stays that way, RIGHT??!!
Happy 6th Birthday Braden!! Braden brings so much love and joy to our family. He is quite the little jokester, and rarely cracks a smile when he's trying to be funny. He LOVES spending time with his buddies, and most especially, his cousin Dallin!!
Posted by Alicia at 11:22 PM 1 comments

Priesthood Preview -- It's hard to believe that Austin will be 12 in June, and will be ready to hold the Aaronic priesthood. Shaun did a great job giving a talk on the importance of holding the priesthood. I am so grateful for the gospel in our lives. We are so proud of Austin, and love him so very much.

Austin's final game - Unfortunately, Austin's team didn't make it to the play-off's this year, but had a great time trying to get there. Can't wait until next football season!! Go Bingham!
Posted by Alicia at 9:30 PM 2 comments