My heart is full of gratitude, love, and emotion as we have celebrated Caleb's birthday today. I can't help but think of the night he was born when he wasn't breathing on his own and was taken to the nursery so quickly for additional support. Minutes after that, a nurse came down to tell me that they were going to life-flight him to Primary Children's Hospital. It was the hardest thing that I have ever been through. The days that followed Caleb's birth were extremely difficult for Shaun and me and our entire family. Amazingly enough, he was able to come home in three and a half weeks time without oxygen, feeding tubes, or any other medication. He is strong and healthy and thriving in every way. He walks around the furniture, and crawls speedy fast. He loves to babble and even says a few little words, like "da da" and "papa" for Grandpa. He is such a content, happy baby and rarely ever cries. He has brought so much love and joy into our lives, and has made our family complete. Every day when I look into those big, beautiful blue eyes, I am reminded of the grace of God, and how blessed we really are. He truly is a miracle. Happy Birthday my special baby!! We love you more than words can say!!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Happy Birthday our special miracle baby!!
Posted by Alicia at 10:42 PM 8 comments
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Welcome Baby Marshall!
Beautiful baby Marshall Robert Upp was born on Dec. 3rd @6:15 P.M. weighing in at 8 lbs. 4 oz., and 20" long. Congratulations to Kevin and Marcy. We are so happy for them, and overjoyed that this little bundle of joy has finally arrived. They are already such AMAZING parents, and love this little baby so very much. I may be a little biased, but I truly think that he is one of the cutest babies that I have ever seen. Kevin and I have always been so close that I feel such a special bond with this little guy and just wanted to sit and hold him all day long!! I can't wait until he and Caleb get a little older and become best little buddies. Welcome to the family special baby! We love you!!
Posted by Alicia at 9:46 PM 7 comments
Monday, November 24, 2008
It's hard to believe that a year ago at this time I was pregnant with this little bundle of joy!! How time flies when you're having fun. Caleb continues to amaze us with his many miraculous milestones each and every day!! Many of you know that we have a wonderful occupational therapist that comes to work with him once a week. She is always so positive, and says how happy she is with his ongoing progress!! I thank Heavenly Father every day for this special gift in my life!!
Posted by Alicia at 2:20 PM 7 comments
The Adventures of Caleb
Posted by Alicia at 2:04 PM 5 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Gone are the days of ribbons and bows!!!

Posted by Alicia at 9:24 AM 12 comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
My kid's are growing up.....
Halloween just wasn't the same around here this year as it has been in years past! Austin came to us a couple of days before Halloween and said that he and his buddies wanted to go "trick-or-treating" by themselves this year and didn't want any mom's or dad's going. At first we were a little hesitant, but after lots of begging, pleading, many "safety" lectures, MORE stranger/danger talks, and tears (from me, of course), we finally gave in and decided to let him go. After we agreed to let Austin go, Syd. thought that she should be able to do the same thing, so luckily, since our kids have such great friends, she went off on our own as well. So sad!!! One step closer to independence!!
Posted by Alicia at 12:29 AM 3 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
Happy Fall to you all!!
Here are some fun family traditions that we have enjoyed during the month.....
We LOVE going to the pumpkin patch with our cousins, Landon, Dallin, and Alex!!
Posted by Alicia at 3:11 PM 9 comments
More Birthday Wishes.....
Posted by Alicia at 2:55 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday to ALL!
Happy Birthday to my amazing, wonderful, dear sweet Shaun!! I'm pretty sure that he has got to be the BEST husband and father in this whole world! I am so blessed to be married to my very best friend!! Thanks for ALWAYS making me laugh, and being my biggest "cheerleader!" Thanks for providing for our family and working so hard everyday to make sure that we have what we need. Thanks for always making me feel important. Thanks for always fixing EVERYTHING, and being the biggest handyman I know. Thanks for teaching our children the importance of the gospel, and being such an amazing example to them. I LOVE YOU so very much, and want to wish you the Happiest birthday ever!!!!
Uncle Matt - Thanks for being such a great brother-in-law and providing lots of good entertainment for us at every family function! We truly appreciate you being such a wonderful example to all of us! We love you! Happy Birthday!
G-pa "Pooper" and Syd. share the same birthday! It is so special to see the sweet bond that they share. It started all of those years ago when we were building our house, and lived with G-ma and G-pa! Syd. instantly became G-pa's best friend, and always wanted him to hold her, and play with her. Sometimes, G-pa was the only person she wanted. (To this day, there are times when he still is the only person she wants.) He is an amazing man, full of so much love for his family and his Grandchildren. He loves them all so much, and would do anything for them. Thank you, Grandpa for all of the many sleepovers, hikes, walks, advice, "special dates", movie nights, and the list goes and on and on! We love you very much, and hope that you had a wonderful birthday!
Posted by Alicia at 10:11 PM 6 comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
The best family ever!!
I may be a little bias, but I really think that I have the best family in the whole world. I feel so blessed to have such amazing aunts, uncles, and cousins that I can just "hang out" with and completely and totally be myself whenever we get together. Every year, I look forward to our annual camping trip where we stay up late sitting around the campfire, until all hours of the night, getting caught up on "you know who", laughing so hard it hurts, having relay races, tug-of-wars, tye-die t-shirts, having water fights, having beauty queen pageants every now and then, watching movies on the big screen (thanks Brian), eating more junk food than you can imagine, playing "family jeopordy", floating the river on tubes, roasting smores, and catching up on all the latest happenings. We may be loud, crazy, and right down obnoxious, but we sure do know how to have a good time!! Thanks for your love and support, and for being the best family ever!! I love you all so much!! XOXOXO
Posted by Alicia at 10:41 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Koos Family Photo Shoot!!

Braden kept saying, "It's too bwight!! I can't see." Caleb just had to look up to see what he was doing.

You get the "PICTURE!" It was quite an adventure!! Ha, Ha, Ha!!!
Posted by Alicia at 12:01 AM 7 comments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Heber Valley Camp
We had so much fun spending time with our dear, sweet friends in Heber on Friday night. Tami, thank you so much for organizing and planning such a fun little "quick" get away! We had a total blast, and love you all so much!!
The babies just "chillin'"
Posted by Alicia at 7:30 AM 7 comments
Monday, September 1, 2008
Football's here......Let the games begin!!!

Austin playing Q.B.

Posted by Alicia at 10:37 PM 6 comments
"Open Mouth, Insert ANYTHING!!"
Posted by Alicia at 10:25 PM 3 comments