Every mother dreams of the day when she will have a beautiful little girl to dress up in fancy clothes, frilly dresses, and last but not least, ribbons and bows. Lucky for me, I was able to do all of the above for quite some time. It was almost like playing dress-up everytime I would buy her a new outfit just to see how darn cute she would look in it. And the shoes.....oh, the shoes! (Especially the boots in every color to match the outfits). Shortly after she was born, I even got a part-time job at "Baby Gap" just to keep her dressed in the latest and greatest styles!! Along with all of the fun clothes and accessories, she ALWAYS had a bow or ribbon in her hair of some sort. (Even when we went camping). She literally has HAD bows in her hair since the day she was born!! (you know those cute little ones that the nurse sticks in with KY, right after their first bath!!) Despite her change in styles and our difference of opinion in her clothes, I was still always able to sneak the ribbons and bows in.....up until that dreadful day last year when we were following our same morning ritual, and I went to tie that perfect bow, just as I had done so many times before, when she looked up at me and said in a very firm voice, "Mom, I am in second grade, and I don't want you to put those dumb bows in my hair anymore. I am the only person in my whole class that wears bows, and I am NOT going to let you put them in anymore!"
I couldn't believe this was happening. I was devastated and thought I had at least another couple of years.....AT LEAST. I quickly told her that it was just part of getting ready for the day, and that she had to have the bows in, and acted as if it wasn't any big deal. Again, she looked up at me and said, "I said NO BOWS," and walked away. That was that, and ever since, I've been hanging onto the fact that MAYBE, just maybe one day she might let me put them in for church, a special occasion, Christmas, or just for fun. So, I guess it's time to depart with all of those ribbons and bows, and say, "So long for now.....it was quite a ride while it lasted!!" I LOVE YOU SYD!!

Oh, I've always loved your bow collection on the back of the door. They do grow up so fast.
That made me sad, I still do the bow and flower thing to Aubree and didn't even think she might be getting to old :( - if you want to borrow one of my little girls I will let you play dress up with them :) you are such a good mom!
Oh, I really don't want to think that that day will come for me. I know I have three of them but it will be hard when they stop letting me do their hair because it truely is a passion. My uncle has a two daughters and he is divorced. He takes his oldest to Jr. High and then drives around for an hour before he can take his youngest to school. This morning they came and waited at my house. She asked me to do her hair and I love it. I will dread the day that I will have that no more. BTW I loved the bows in Syd's hair. Tell her to stop growing up!!!
ACK! Let me buy your collection from you!!! I am in a panic to put bows in my girls hair now after reading that entry! I don't ever want them to stop, they'll be getting married and I'll be like "here, honey, do you want the one that's bigger than your head or the one made with eleventy-billion different ribbons? Hmmm?"
You can do poor Jaycee's hair ANYTIME YOU WANT TO! She's not very cooperative and I am sorta lazy so she gets a pony tail once a day and when she pulls it out she looks like an orphan the rest of the day. Tracee had her play and did her hair one day and I almost didn't recognize my cute girl. You are such a great mom and Syd is so dang cute!!!
Have a great day!
You know you should be oh so grateful that you lasted until 2nd grade. Maili told me that she really prefers just a pony tail no bow no extra lastics and absolutely no pretty bows (cept on church day cuz thats special) We compromised on no pretty bows (cept on Sundays) but I get to choose how many "lastics" and she gets to pick how many pony tails. I love you guys!!
At least she waited until she was in 2nd grade. Mine is in preschool and we have many of mornings that we FIGHT over if she is getting a bow or not. I love the days that she comments on her pretty bows! Oh how sad that day will be...
Lish- I Love you!! It is so sad how fast these little ones grow up. Syd is beautiful, just like her mommy. She doesn't need bows to make her cute. Iam sure it is hare for you though. Cute pic of you and Syd :)
Did you cry --I think I would have after she left for school _ love bows --hmm would she go for flowers?
I hate growing up moments. They seem to come when you are least expecting them! She is such a doll with or without bows she melts your heart!
Just have to say thanks for being so great with Shaylee! You are such a great person to look up to and I am glad I have you and so many other people in this amazing ward to help me raise my kids! We're all in this together...where have I heard that before???? :)
Good old HS Musical-but so true!
Have a great night!
We love watching all your kids go up.Boy can you believe how big everyone is. I know how you feel about the ribbons and bows. Toree wont even let me fix her hair anymore. Thank goodness Kelb is in beauty school, we go there often now!!!!! We have a new blog! I finally caught up with the rest of the world..Love you all !!
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