Monday, October 27, 2008

Happy Fall to you all!!

I know I'm a little behind on updating my blog, but I too, like a lot of you love fall. Caramel apples, falling leaves, letting fresh air in through open windows, pumpkin bars, and last, but certainly not least, FOOTBALL!!

Here are some fun family traditions that we have enjoyed during the month.....

We LOVE going to the pumpkin patch with our cousins, Landon, Dallin, and Alex!!

Pumpkin carving at Grandma and Grandpa's is always a favorite!!

Witch's Tea Party 2008

My friend, Jen, threw the FUNNEST tea party for all of us girls!! We had TONS of yummy food, got to cast really great spells (for mine and K.D.'s sake, we really hope Kerrian's spell comes true, hee, hee!! Does size C ring a bell, anyone?), had a cackling contest, and just hung out and had a great time!! Hopefully, this will be the first of many to come, right Jen??!! Thank you for a wonderful time!! We had a blast.

More Birthday Wishes.....

I just wanted to wish my sweet sis.-in-law, Natalie, a very Happy "Be-lated" birthday. She is such an amazing example to me, and I am so grateful to be a part of her family. I have never heard her say a bad thing about anybody, or get mad at anything. She is so carefree and never lets anything bother her. She is also an amazing mom, and does so much for her sweet children. Nat., I love you very much, and hope that you had a WONDERFUL birthday.