Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Dec 25th, 2007

Merry Christmas baby Caleb! Caleb has continued to progress so much even in the past couple of days, as of the night of the 23rd the Doctors and Nurses felt confident enought to remove the ventilator and use a machine called a C-Pap. Caleb has done very well and not had to go back on the ventilator. Yesterday Caleb's Mom and Dad received the best Christmas present they could ever ask for, they were able to hold Caleb for about twenty minutes each. Nurses have reported that as they have continually brought Caleb out of sedation he has continually became more feisty trying to pull out tubes, remove masks and so on. He is starting to open his eyes more and more and becoming aware of his surroundings, all of his Nurses tell us that he stays up most of the night ( Shaun definatly passed on that behavior). We would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Once again words cannot express how much we appreciate everyone and what you have done for us.


k stalder said...

Merry Christmas Caleb! We hope your family feels very blessed this
beautiful day. We are so glad you
got to hold each other yesterday! We
pray for your quick recovery and
homecoming. All our love.
The Stalder family

Joy & Casey said...

Alicia and fam,
We check this amazing blog ATLEAST once a day...we are so happy to hear little Caleb is progressing so much! We hope you had a great Christmas with all 4 kids-that you got some great quality time with Caleb also! We think of you often and hope you are holding up!
Joy and family