Saturday, December 29, 2007

Great Strides

A great day at the hospital today and lots of fun pictures of little Caleb.

We even caught a cute picture of him smiling.

Once again he continues to amaze us and his doctors with his INCREDIBLE progress.

He's been moved to a crib and has been eating very well. His nurse bumped his feeding up to 50 cc's of milk and he surprised her by drinking a full bottle - 80cc's! We hope to have his feeding tube removed real soon.

We also hope to have all of his IVs removed soon so he can start taking the remaining medicines orally. We still don't have a date on when we can expect to bring him home, but they are looking to schedule his MRI for next week which means we're one step closer. We're keeping our fingers crossed and hoping he does not have much longer than a couple more weeks.

Thanks once again for everyone's kind comments on the blog - they really help keep us going. We appreciate all your support and everything all of you have done for our family.


Anonymous said...

Shaun & Alicia,
He is just a beautiful baby. I'm glad to see that everything is getting better and better. You all are in our thoughts and prayers!
Love...Brian, Mikol and girls.

Anonymous said...

Shaun and Alicia....

He's just beautiful!! Thank you so much for keeping the website updated. We check twice a day, every day to see what great progress Caleb is making.

As always, our prayers are with you all that he is home quickly.

Missy, Kristofer and Madeline