Sunday, March 7, 2010

My Dear Sweet Pops cont....

It's hard to believe that it's been over a year since I have posted on my blog, and it's even harder to believe that it's been over a year since my dear, sweet dad was diagnosed with pancreas cancer. As many of you know, he lost his courageous battle on April 17th, 2009 and words cannot express how much I miss my dad, and how my heart aches for him to be with our family every day. It has been a year of extremely difficult "firsts" as we have tried to slowly trudge through the holidays, camping trips, family reunions, birthdays, sporting events, tumbling recitals, etc., etc. There are some days that I still don't believe it, and wait for him to walk through the door with one of his sarcastic, funny comments. I am forever grateful for the love, strength and neverending support that my dad gave to me throughout the years!! He is my shining hero and I love him now more than ever!! Thank you Dad for being the very best POPS in this whole world!! We will continue to honor and love you forever and always!!


Austin Family said...

Oh Alicia! I am so sorry for your loss. For the last year, I have been "dropping by" your blog about once a month to see if there were any updates. I knew that things were probably going to be hard for you guys since your dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. I am so glad that you finally posted and I am so sorry once again for your enormous loss. And although I did not know your father, I can say this for sure... he did an amazing job raising you. You have a beautiful heart and soul, and I knew that the second I met you. A very big hug to you from me! Kim Austin

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Ok so I hit the wrong button and deleted my last post....Good Grief!!
That was the sweetest tribute to your Pops!!! We all miss hiim SOOOO. I am just glad they we have each other to continue on through our little "bumps" I love you so and am glad to welcome you back to Blogger-Land..

Kevin + Marcy said...

What a special, special post, 'Lish. It's so fun to see you posting again. I love your guys' new family picture. You look beautiful, as does the rest of the family. I love you so, so much!

Unknown said...

Your amazing Lish!!!!!!!!! I am so happy that I got to catch up with you tonight!!!! I miss you so much!!!!! I am already looking forward to Hawaii 2011 :o) Oh ps what shall we do for girls night??? Something FUN!!!!!!! Love ya love ya!!!

lisa said...

Yeah! I am so glad you are back in "blogging land", as someone else put it. I sure do love you and our old friendship means a lot to me. Take Care, Lisa

p.s. I miss your POPS,too!

stacey said...

Welcome back to the blogging world :) I also check your blog to see if you have started up again. You are such an amazing person and how you describe your dad sounds just like you. You are so sweet, I am grateful to have you for a friend.