Monday, January 12, 2009

Please pray for Baby Marshall, Kevin, and Marcy

For all of my dear, sweet family and friends reading this, I just wanted to give you a quick update on baby Marshall. He has had a great week home with the exception of a little wheeziness. On Friday, he had a check-up, and the Dr. said that he was probably experiencing some irritation due to the ventilator, but that his lungs were clear, and all was well. Throughout the weekend, Kev. and Marc. continued to monitor his breathing and decided to take him to the Dr. this morning. Unfortunately, his heart had gone back into S.V.T. (which means that it was beating above normal). They are on their way back up to Primary's E.R. right as we speak, to see if he has to be re-admitted. We are so grateful for all of the prayers that have been given on his behalf and ask that you will continue to pray for baby Marshall, Kevin, and Marcy. We know that their is great power in prayer, and we thank you all for continuing to pray for their family.


Mama Williams said...

Poor baby! Yes, we'll pray for them. :)

It was so good to see you yesterday (even briefly). You always bring a smile to my face you sweet lady.

The Vaughn Family said...

Hi Lish, I will pass the message along, I hope that everything is all right. Poor little man. That is extremely scary, not to mention with a first baby things always seem magnified, whether it is good or bad. They'll be in our prayers. Love ya! Britt

stacey said...

I am so sorry! He will for sure be in my prayers!

Unknown said...

I love Baby Marshall. Thats it!!! He is mine and Baby Calebs Best Friend!! And the cutest little guy. Love, Tanner(88)

Tell Kevin and Marci we love them and think of them often. They are always in Tanners and our prayers. We sure miss you all... Love the Spatigs